I posted the statement about wishing that "you're evil and going to hell," was a thing of the past because you commented on how I knew bad people from my past, and the statement meant, "I wish it was just the past."
Most of my witnessing now days is to those who have been so hurt by Christians that they turn that anger toward Christians against God. They, with good reason, judge God by us.
I hear today, over and over, "You Christians want everyone who is different to burn and be tortured forever. You want people to go to hell."
Think about that, "You want people to go to hell."
If we would quietly, patiently, carefully, lovingly speak to them of Christ and explain, with patience WHY Christ is the only way, we can teach them, guide them and maybe open a doorway to the Christ.
If we just stand there and go, "Yeah, your going to hell if you don't change," we don't teach them anything. We really don't.
The key to salvation is NOT punishment. Salvation is not about hiding from hell.
Salvation is about a daily walk with Christ, it is about a personal relationship with God. Lets tell them THAT.
By NOT saying, "Yes, I think Muslim's are going to hell," when he knows there is going to be a commercial break in a few seconds and may never be another chance to get the Muslim who may be listening to learn about Christ, Dr. Graham kept a door open.
By saying, "Jesus Christ is the answer to every problem," by saying, "I asked for forgiveness and there was an instant, lasting peace," Dr. Graham told those SAME Muslims the important part of the message. CHRIST is the answer.
If they GET that part of it, they don't HAVE to worry about hell.
As to why I harp on this. ... let me show you something......
From a "Christian" to a "Muslim" on a board FOR Muslims ABOUT Muslims. Posted just seconds ago.
"Wrong, they believe in a violent monkey god, a monkey god who created the low life muslims in his own image. Monkey see monkey do."
Think that is going to win souls to Christ?
I posted this question on a different board, set up for Christians:
>I wanted to know how people react to being told, "You're going to hell."
And - this is the response I got:
Personally, I tend to view people who tell others that they are going to hell as off- kilter, thoughtless and not very engaged in either the bible or God. Seems to me the bible states that no one knows what God's plan for any individual is and such judgements by man are folly at best and divisive and hostile at worst. Seems to me also that if one is truly interested in trying to get someone to investigate something, it is easy to do so with patience, understanding, humbleness, and love.
And I agree. It is easy to teach Christ with patience and love and understanding.
Hell and hell insurance aren't the message of Christ.