I see nothing in God's word that tells me that His people are not going to rule and reign with Him in a literal 1,000 year span ( that will take place immediately after His literal and physical second coming ), and that He will do so from David's actual seat of power at Jerusalem, an earthly city with an earthly temple, until He puts all of His enemies at His feet and makes them His footstool.
The spiritual kingdom made up of His saints is also a physical kingdom yet to come, Dave.
Just as the new heavens and the new earth will be physical.
I do agree that there is a spiritual aspect to the kingdom.
Just as there is a physical aspect to it.
Believe the words for the words' sake, Dave.
There are many more passages that I did not make reference to, that you can consult for proof.
In my opinion, all one has to do is read and believe them at face value.