First, you should probably learn to understand the fallacious nature of argument using a Strawman because it carries no value besides being considered an avoidance of drawing out the truth in an argument.
Debate tactics like building straw men really have no place when discussing the word of God.
It speaks, and we as believers in Jesus Christ either "listen", or we don't.
If we don't, it's because we are not really believers at all ( John 8:47 ).
There is no application of debate tactics when approaching God's very methods of "proving or disproving" what Scripture actually states, and what is written on the page, fall flat.
It's like trying to fix a car with a sledgehammer...wrong tool for the job.
"Interpretation" is also irrelevant, because it says what it says.
What is written is what it means, and context is the only thing that matters.
Second, your mystery plea and strawman arguments aside, it appears it would be you that does not believe God is Omnipotent enough to create beings with human volition that could have the ability by divine design (the attributes of sense, reason, intellect) to respond or not in love of the truths He reveals to them.
Except that God's word
itself describes man as being hopelessly in love with sin ( Romans 1:32, John 3:19-20 ) and there is none that seek Him in and of themselves ( Romans 3:10-18 and others ).
Continuing to strive for a God that creates men with a natural volition that is capable of either choosing Him or rejecting Him,
is not what God's word develops, nor does it declare anywhere in the entire Bible.
To me, you don't believe that God is Omnipotent enough to overrule man's will to be saved from His wrath, and to decide our destinies based on His perfect and just judgment...that we are
all deserving of death, and that He decides who to save and who to cast into well-deserved Hell fire.
His purpose to save someone over-rules what selfish and sinful men want.
The divine design argument ( that He makes men "free moral agents ) is not supported by His very is wishful thinking on the part of people who don't like God exercising His right to have mercy and compassion on whom He wills ( Exodus 33:19, Romans 9:14-18 ), not on whom we will.
Man's will doesn't even enter in to the entire process, except to react when a person is born again by God's will alone ( John 1:13, James 1:18 ).
All of God’s ways are judgment, in truth, therefore your view of “Divine Deterministic Sovereignty” misplaces the truth of responsibility and voids the truth of His judgment on His created beings.
God's word has
already addressed man's responsibility, his attitude and his willingness to obey God.
"Total Depravity" clearly addresses man's responsibility, attitude from birth, and willingness to come to God, and and affirms His right to judge perfectly...because all men are rebellious and willful sinners that are incapable of coming to Him in repentance.
Just because you don't seem to believe the words on the page, does not make them any less true.
His judgment is clearly found in many places:
Romans 1:18-32, Romans 3:10-18, John 3:19-20, Psalms 10:2-11, Psalms 14:1-3, Psalms 53:1-3.
This has been shown to you many times, and yet it seems to simply "bounce off".
Admittedly, it is your prerogative to dismiss these passages out of hand ( if that is what you are doing )...
But to tell someone that they don't mean what they say?
You're not doing
that, are you?