No, there is no such evidence. You should read the whole thread and read the posts by Havensdad re this. Scientists assume millions of years then fit the data into that assumption. There is now way to measure this amount of age.
But there is a way to measure more than 13,000 years and certainly more than just 6000. "Carbon 14" They found the remains of trees that were older that what you might say is the age of the earth at the bottom of the great lakes.
I am not sure what your point here is about "waiting an eternity" to create the world. God does not have to wait in eternity since he is beyond time - He just is.
I didn't say He had to do anything. Never the less eternity is a continuing duration with out beginning or end. God wasn't just sitting around waiting to think up His creation. Since He is all knowledgable He knew for eternity that He desired to create the Earth and man.
Also, you can't make time pass in eternity - that is contradictory.
I believe that is a scinetific theory
Never the less there is a past and a future for things in eternity.
2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day
is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Is that theory right or is the Bible?
God needs no one so I am not sure what your point is about being busy.
If God didn't need why did He create. That really doesn't make any sense. God desires our love not only that but He deserves it too. Man was created to Love God and the only way we can give Him genuine love is by our willingness to do so.
We don't know what God was doing before creation but he doesn't need to do anything - He just is.
Just sitting there doesn't sound like the God who now holds the universe together. Maybe He just got tired of sitting around doing nothing.
God was and always has been. At some point in God's will, He created the world. He tells us how in Gen. 1 and Ex. 20 - in 6 days. It's stated very clearly and with no vague words or euphemisms. It's as though God wants there to be no doubt about it!! So why do some doubt it? Only because they think evolution is based on fact.
I do not believe I evolved from monkeys. I was procreated after my partents kind and we all Came from one man Adam. All animals and men were made from the same stuff they return to after death. The dust of the Earth. Adam was fully man when he was created. Evolution just doesn't fit scripture. But then placing limits on God doesn't fit it either.
Not every Archeologist is an atheist or should I say Darwin idolizer
God has destroyed the Earth with a flood once we know from the history of the Bible. He could have done the same thing many times before. Not that He didn't want us to know but maybe didn't have the reason or desire to explain it to us.
If God spoke the Earth into existance it only makes sense that a perfect God's creation would not have needed a remodeling
Also, God's word tells us he created the earth to be habitated by man.
I agree but He created everything else first so that man would have the fruit of the earth to eat.