If the spiritually dead can hear God as you say but as one who holds to reformed doctrine you believe one must be regenerated in order to be able to respond to God with regards to salvation then you have a theological crisis. There is an inconsistency or tension that needs to be dealt with.
God speaking to the spiritually dead doesn't, in and of itself, guarantee salvation. If that were the case, Satan wouldn't be where he's at right now. It has to do with the changing of the will. Only God changing one's will guarantees salvation. God's changing of one's will causes them to have acceptance, a postive response, to the gospel. God spoke directly to Satan and it didn't make him in accord with God. Why? His will wasn't changed by God, thereby, negating any positive response. God now speaks to us via the written word and gospel. If He doesn't change one's will, they'll never positively respond to it...