how do you believe Jesus Christ, a Jew mind you, worshiped during his ministry?...where do you see Christ correcting His Disciples to throw away their liturgical form of worship they were accustomed to being Jews themselves and adopting this "new way of life and worship"?
Where AiC, show the class...
The only place in Holy Scripture we see, not really a "change", but an addition to the style of "worship" was at the Last we still see a liturgical form of worship the Apostles were familiar with it...but Christ introduces the Eucharist...and from there we read in the Books, Letters and Epistles of the NT how the Eucharist is incorporated into worship.
show the class from early Church history that your way of worship today (in a non-liturgical form) is the "new direction" you speak of God starting?
we've had practicing Jews in our community visit our Orthodox Divine Liturgy and comment how closely our Liturgy is to theirs up until the Bread and Wine are brought to the altar and the Eucharistic liturgical form of the NT takes over.
we also throughout the year receive a number of protestants and Roman Catholics that are discouraged by the evolution of worship in their church. How dead and Hollywood production it's become...even the Baptist Fundamental Church I was raised in now has a Bluegrass band that performs...absolutely ridiculous..
I praise God that He's lead me into the Orthodox Christian Church...were our liturgical structure has remained the same for 2,000 years...the ONLY evolution of our Liturgy came in the form of shortening the liturgy...
My relatives complain and moan about the changes in their Church...I just smile at them...they tell me..."you just wait, your church will change too"...I just continue to smile...It'll never happen...
you really need to stop drinking the kool-aid...seriously, it's bad for you...
God didn't "orchestrate persecution" to scatter his Church...LOL...The NT shows St. Paul, setting up Churches throught Aisa Minor...what are you even talking about...The Apostles are doing extactly as Christ commanded them to do...Go forth into all the land and make desciples...the Apostles didn't all hang around Jerusalem and wait until persecution and then "scatter"...seriously, you need to learn HOW to think and not WHAT to think...this fairy tale is old...