just thinking that weneed to avoiding giving the apperance of accepting Islam as being a viable world religion, that their Holy Book revelation by God as Bible is, that Allah same as God, and that they actually honor jesus as messiah!
NONE of that would be true, and just seeing that church seems to be getting inable and unwilling to say that Islam is a false religion, false god, false book and prophet!
We've been SAYING that about Islam for all of its shady history...
They've (Islam) been converting by the sword, not by their "holy book" (which no one really understands, not even Muslims, for it is a train of thought exercise that makes little sense to anyone -- I've read it -- wonder if anyone else has?). Christians with a contextualized missional mindset are merely capitalizing on some of the similarities between the stories found in the Koran and the Bible in order to PRESENT A GREATER TRUTH.
My next question is. how many here arguing about Islam have ever actually witnessed to Muslim people -- and how many have found some success? Did that success come from slaming them with a Bible and telling them what they had to belive, or did it come from a basis of loving relationship, a willingness to learn of their cultures and beliefs before beginning to share our own?
I know multiple missionaries to Muslim people -- most who are converted Muslims themselves -- they tell me what worked for them and what works for others in their community, and none of it matches up to what I'm hearing here on the board.