If you want to bash the RCC, then use the Catechism and don't waste everyone's time with totally false trash. I could post all sorts of links to the Westboro Baptists with the implication that you who call yourself a Baptist must hold to what they believe. Honestly... how childish would that be? Answer? Just go back and review what you've done here.
Now - if you meant to ask is Mary the Mother of God, then the aswer is:
1) Mary was the mother of Jesus
2) Jesus was both fully God AND fully man - the inseparable hypostatic union - both natures existing at the same time
3) Thus, Mary IS the Mother of God!
If you believe that Jesus was both FULLY God and FULLY man, then you have no other recourse but to hold that Mary is the Mother of God. For 2,000 years the Church has taught this - 1,500 years before Protestants were even conceived of.
God set it up that way. Mary was chosen as the immaculate conception. She was visited by an angel and she acquiesced to this. Thus, if you believe scripture, you MUST believe that Mary is the Mother of God. Unless of course you are part of the ongoing heresy of those who believe that Mary only birthed the human component of Jesus. If that's the case, well...then I will pray for you.