A Heretic Comedy by Human Syllogism of Roman Catholic!
1. Jesus is God, Mary is Mother of Jesus
Therefore Mary is Mother of God.
2. Holy spirit is God, Mary is Mother of God
Therefore Mary is Mother of Holy Spirit
3. God the Father is God Mary is Mother of God.
Therefore Mary is Mother of God the Father
4. Jesus was in the womb of Mary
Holy Spirit was not away from Jesus when He was in Mary’s womb.
Therefore Holy Spirit was carried by Mary.
5. Jesus was in the womb of Mary
God the Father was not away from Jesus when He was in Mary’s womb.
Therefore God the Father was in the womb of Mary.
6. Therefore from the above,
Mary was the Mother of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, Mother of God the Holy Spirit.
7. Jesus is Creator
Mary is the Mother of Jesus
Mary is the Mother of Creator of the whole Universe.
8. We have to respect Mother.
Mary is Mother of our God.
We have to respect Mary as Mother of God.
9. The Salvation was made possible just because Mary obeyed God.
Without Mary, there could be no Salvation possible.
Therefore we have to believe that Mary was the Co-Redeemer!
10. Ever-Virgin Mary, Perpetual Virgin Mary, Life time virgin Mary,
So loved the world, that she gave her only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
If anyone denies any of the above mentioned Faith Statements, that person is Heretic! Anathema !
-- A Heretic Comedy by Human Syllogism - by Roman Catholic!
This is why Heb 7:2-3 rejects that Son of God has Mother.
The 2 verses say both Melchisedec and Son of God
1) King of Righteousness
2) King of Peace
3) No Father (earthly)
4) No Mother
5) No genealogy
6)No beginning
7) No ending
8) Living forever
9) Priest
Son of God had no mother! This is how the Bible writer sees the role of Mary.
Human Syllogism doesn’t work in explaining God’s Deity and Godhead.
1. Was Mary the Mother of God the Son before the Creation of the World when Jesus Created the world?
2. Was Mary the Mother of God the Son when Moses work for Christ ( Heb 11:26)?
3. Was Mary the Mother of God the Son anytime before the birth of Mary?
4. Did Mary give birth to the Deity of Jesus Christ?
Was the Divine nature of Jesus born by Mary?