Well-Known Member
My claim about those pro-Sunday sources --
Also very well known to DHK - dozens of times so far.
Here is my very short summary of the pro-Sunday scholarship statements affirming the still-binding TEN Commandments.
Here is an example of claims made by the pro-Sunday sources - and 6 of the 7 are actually correct according to the Bible!.
Yes that is right - 6 of the 7 are actually common ground between Sabbath keeping and Sunday keeping Christians.
1. That the Sabbath Commandment is first given to mankind in Gen 2:1-3
2. That all mankind was obligated by the TEN commandments in the OT and to this very day.
3. That the seventh day as the Sabbath was Saturday the seventh day of the week from Gen 2:1-3 until NT times - including at the cross.
4. That the Ten Commandments are the moral Law of God
5. That the moral law of God is written on the heart under the New Covenant
6. that the Ten Commandments as the moral law of God are in no way opposed to grace and the Gospel.
7. That the Sabbath commandment can rightly be BENT by man-made-tradition to point to week-day-1 after the cross.
I agree with 6 out of 7 as listed above - and yet many who post against God's TEN commandments object to all of the points listed above. And sometimes they will even go on to complain that so many of the points above are in agreement with my position and opposed to the war-against-the-Ten-Commandments position.
And so I often use this as my signature line on other boards.
I am glad these Sunday sources all affirm the Ten Commandments for Christians.
The Baptist Confession of Faith,
the Westminster Confession of Faith ,
D.L. Moody,
R.C Sproul,
Matthew Henry,
Thomas Watson
Eastern Orthodox Catechism
The Catholic Catechism.![]()
And of course 7th day groups
Seventh-day Baptists
Seventh-day Adventists
(and 100's of others)![]()
Also very well known to DHK - dozens of times so far.