I have not looked into it very much (you know me, I'm lazy that way

But does Scripture, pre-Judgment, describe any person (lost or saved) as a "goat"?
The reason I ask is that some conversations seem to be inching very close to what many evangelicals would consider a heresy in viewing two "races" of lost people (along the lines of Daniel Parker). I'm just wondering if the Bible actually makes the difference between "sheep and goats" regarding the lost in this lifetime.
The issue is that if there are no passages referring to the lost as "goats"
except in how God separates the nations (like a shepherd separates sheep from goats - sheep on one side, goats on another) at Judgment then it may be pushing the bounds of exegesis and heading towards eisegesis to apply such an application now.
If there are passages that call the lost pre-Judgment as comprised of "sheep" and "goats" then that would be the verses that need to be discussed at this point.