Cool! I like your account.
But is it 100% factual? I do not claim mine is. Since this is not a matter of salvation but Theological discussion its okay if we are off somewhere. How did you come up with all your understanding? I would like to read from historical account myself. As I said I do not claim a definitive answer. Do you?
(Original post snipped for bervity)
robycop3 said:
Quirinius was de-facto ruler of the Judea area the first time from C. 6 BC to C. 3 BC as he was there to lead a fight against a tribe called the Homonadenses. His force subdued them, then he hung around to negotiate a peace with them & to see that they intended to abide by it.
As for Jesus' death date, that one's easy! He underwent His "passion" on the first day of passover, which was on Wednesday in 27 AD. Thus, He was in the tomb Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, being resurrected before Sunday began. (The Sabbath beginning at sunset Wednesday was a "High Sabbath", the first of the two Holy Congregation days of Passover Week. A High Sabbath can fall on any day of the week. That's why Wednesday was the "Preparation Day" in which all ordinary chores were completed so only essential work was done on the High Sabbath day, same as for the normal weekly Sabbath.) So, this puts Jesus' birth in 6 BC
Now, as for Augustus Caesar's decree that all the Roman world should be taxed...the Romans kept very-detailed records of taxes & censuses ordered by the Caesars or the Senate. There's simply NO record that Augie issued any such order. However, the usual taxing authority was the local governor, and it's well-known that Quirinius had Augie's complete trust & therefore he could order things such as taxes or censuses in Caesar's name, unquestioned. So, it's quite likely that Quirinius ordered the census/tax of Scripture in Augie's name. Remember, Q was the area's governor the first time C.6 to C. 3 BC.
Then, it's been pretty well established that Herod died in 4 BC, not long after being visited by the magi & ordering the murder of all Jewish male babies 2 years old or younger. And the magi said they'd first seen their guiding star 2 years earlier. It's also been fairly-well established that the magi were Zoroastrian astrologers from northern Persia & would have an intimate knowledge of the sky & how to navigate by the stars. And the prophecy of the Messiah had been given to the Persians by the Jews while they were under Persian rule. (Not known how a star became part of that prophecy.)
So, it's likely Jesus was born in 6 BC & died/was resurrected in 27 AD. But we should simply be thankful that He came to be punished & die an unimaginably-painful death for OUR sins! (He took enough physical abuse to have killed an ordinary person several times!)