Evidently I am not as upset as some of the people are on here
I was trying to deal with this subject not on an emtional level....like some are. But on a intellectual...logical level. Using scripture and statistics.
It wasn't until I got bashed did I get upset...maybe if more who agree ( which I know are more than who do not ) with us would pipe in...it wouldn't look so one sided.
By the way this is a dabte forum NO ?
So I do not see a problem with debating....I can debate with the best of them.

It wasn't until I got bashed did I get upset...maybe if more who agree ( which I know are more than who do not ) with us would pipe in...it wouldn't look so one sided.
By the way this is a dabte forum NO ?
So I do not see a problem with debating....I can debate with the best of them.