Here is the thing, DHK, you are all over the place. I can not peg where you are coming from.
You say you are a literalist, and that 1,000 years means 1,000 years, and then when the word 'hate' comes up, it is not really 'hate.'
God is love. It is evident in Luke 14:26 that when Christ commands
his own disciples to hate their parents and brothers and sisters, that he is not telling them to literally hate them. It is a comparison of degrees. One's love for Christ should be so great that the love for the family would seem as hate in comparison. IOW, the meaning is simply "love less."
There is more than one meaning to a word. Context often gives that meaning. That is what I keep repeating. What is the definition? Look at the context! Why do you guys keep ignoring context??
You say 'everybody has faith' and then stated that God saw those who would choose Him(have faith in other words) and chose them and those who would not choose Him(not have faith in other words) and freely damned them.
Of course everyone has faith; even demons have faith. The Bible states as much. But not all faith with save. It is the object of "faith" that saves. The object of one's faith must be Christ. He is the only one who can be saved.
I simply stated what the Bible said; the very words of Christ, and astoundingly, the Calvinists here reject the words of Christ!!
Here they are again:
Mar 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but
he that believeth not shall be damned.
--I didn't write those words: Christ said them!
Do you believe them?
The basis of one's salvation is their faith; the basis of their condemnation is their unbelief. It is that simple. Those are the words of Christ. You either believe him or not.
What part of that verse do you need me to explain to you?
You stated God is omnipotent(and He is :thumbsup: ) and then say He can not save someone who refuses Him.
You like to play your word games.
Can he also create a rock so big he cannot lift? If he can't he is not omnipotent is he? These are the word games you are playing--the same basic word games that atheists play. Sad!
Yes, God is omnipotent.
Yes, God can save all and everyone.
However, God will save, as he promised, all who come to him; all who believe on his son. He has said that in his word over and over again. Even a verse so simple and common as John 3:16 teaches this very simple truth.
Again I ask you, what is so difficult about this verse that you need further explanation on:
Mar 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
You stated the book of Acts is a book of transition(and it is) and that one should not take doctrine from it(paraphrasing here, so if this is not exactly what you have stated in the past, please forgive me) and then turned around and used Acts 10 in your attempted refutation of our understanding of regeneration.
The doctrine of regeneration has never changed, especially since Pentecost.
The Book of Acts is a history of the acts of the Apostles. It is a transition period for the nature of the churches, for the decline of spiritual gifts, etc. Salvation for the NT believer from Acts 2 onward has never changed.
What Peter preached in the house of Cornelius:
Act 10:43 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.
--is the same message that we preach today. It was under that message that Cornelius got regenerated/saved. That is what the account says.
Act 10:44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which
heard the word.
Act 10:45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
--The expression "heard the word" is the same expression used in Acts 2:41:
Act 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
--They received the word and were saved.
You say that God loves everybody and then turns around and throws the unrepentant sinners in a red hot kiln.
This is the ridiculous way that you portray God--angry, mad, out of control--and the world sits back and laughs. Who will believe in a God like this they ask themselves. Not me. That is not my God. You have a very disturbed view of God.