I have read extensively on the Catholic Church and will sometimes attend service. Pope Callistus and Saint Hippolytus were two important figures with two different theologies....
Hippolytus- the ideal of the church as a pure community and not tolerating sins, a church of the pure.
Callistus - the ideal of the church as a saving community representing the church as Noah’s Ark, taking in ‘all kinds,’ both clean and unclean. Being quick to lovingly encourage repentance and restoration. And also dealing with explosive church growth in his time.
I believe Pope Callistus was correct! And all Christian churches suffer from the unclean things that enter the congregations The only reason the Catholic Church gets the greater publicity is because they are the larger congregation. As long as we try to entertain the idea of ‘church’ scandal and problems will follow as we are all unique creatures. If my opinion would mean anything I would encourage the Catholic Church to allow married deacons to also pastor churches. Celibacy is tough as Christ taught as something all men cannot handle.
During the Moody Sankey revivals into Catholic Ireland a Mr Magee wrote an article saying, "FAIR PLAY I" 271 - "Our Human Catholic brcthren, us a rule, have acted a noble part. They have been respectful, and to a certain extent, sympathizing. In this week's number of the Nationan organ at once of National (as it is called) and Ultramontane principlesau article has appeared, entitled, 'Fair Play!' which is exceedingly creditable, and which indicates the advent of a new day in Ireland. The editor informs his constituents that the deadly danger of the age comes upon us from the direction of Huxley and Darwin and Tyndall, rather than from Moody and Sankey. Irish Catholics desire to see Protestants deeply imbued with religious feeling, rather than tinged with rationalism and infidelity; and as long as the religious services of our Protestant neighbors are honestly directed to quickening religious thought in their own body, without offering aggressive or intentional insult to us, it is our duty to pay the homage.”
It was nice, of this time, that the Protestants and Catholics could endure one another and see the real enemies from different avenues. I believe calling each other neighbors a righteous call. And this thread was not intended to be aggressive or an intentional insult to my Catholic neighbors. And I also call Baptist neighbors, much more closer in faith.
I do look over my shoulder into the affairs of my Catholic neighbors and wish them well. I have enjoyed EWTN, the events of concave, think Pope Francis a good guy, will occasionally visit the church, take interest in affairs such as celibacy, read up on the news, and would attend more services if the communion were not closed.
As I believe the Catholic Church has issues... Well... So does mine! I do not promote one church over the other. And another thing, I believe all generations as unique. There is a big difference in generations from WW1, WW2, Vietnam, and the generations to follow. The Spirit of my denomination, Pentecostal Holiness, disappeared along with passing of the WW2 generation and I doubt I will ever see again.
I believe, though, in this time, we must look over each other’s shoulders. I would be careful of in trusting any celibate man alone with people. I have no intentions of hurting anyone. But, if I were to re-enter youth ministry, I would have to do it in responsible company, so I would not be accused of hurting anyone. When I was in youth ministry I would have kids over to the house on weekends to grill out, watch TV, play games, have campfire devotions. We had a large fellowship that did well. The youth director and her husband moved on. Without the responsible help I had to give this up as well.
How can you say Pope Francis is a good guy when he covered up for McCarrick? Why is McCarrick still living inside an RCC facility? Why did Pope Francis cover up sex crimes in Argentina? Why is Pope Francis associated with the fascist Peronist party in Argentina? Why does Pope Francis hate the USA? Why does Pope Francis like communism?