Well-Known Member
I do not, and His word never says that He does.
But if you wish to go beyond what the Scriptures say and accuse Him of being the author of sin and wickedness, then that is your choice, Silverhair.
As it is, it seems that you refuse to believe a great deal of what is contained in many passages;
For example, John 6, Romans 8, Romans 9, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 2 and 2 Thessalonians 2.
Why, I do not know...but the words are there, and I understand them just fine...
Though I did not always.
Is there something wrong with a God that does as He pleases, and not as we want Him to?
" and all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?" ( Daniel 4:35 ).
No, there is not.
It is completely Scriptural for the Lord God to do as He plans and purposes, without consulting us...
To love and save one ( and not another ) because it suits His purposes ( Romans 9:13-24 ).
It is completely within the bounds of Who He is and who we are for Him to set something up, like the Garden of Eden ( knowing full well what will happen ), and then plan for every detail of it in advance.
I'm sorry if that offends you, my friend, but that is the God that I worship, and the God that has saved me from His wrath.
Really for you to say that just shows that you lack the ability to read clear text. As I said the text of the LBCF & WCF both present God as the author of sin yet you accuse me of saying that. Repeat not I but the LBCF & WCF. please get it straight. But if the LBCF & WCF and those that agree with those texts wish to go beyond what the Scriptures say and accuse Him of being the author of sin and wickedness, then that is their choice. I must admit that I am shocked that they would say such a thing but then when it is pointed out to them they defend it so what can I say.
What I find so strange is that for the Calvinist who thinks they are part of the elect then God condemning the vast majority of mankind is OK. But the reality is that all those Calvinists just have to hope that they are part of the elect, remember you did not have faith in Christ Jesus it had to be given to you.
Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace
These have to be the most soul crushing doctrines that have ever been put forward. God unconditionally chooses to save some, but not all, Christ died only for the elect that God unconditionally chooses to save, and God gives irresistible grace to the fortunate elect.
The heart of the issue is the character of God. Is he truly a God of love who is perfectly good? You cannot claim this with any plausibility if you believe God determines people to damnation, people He could just as easily determine to salvation. He could determine all persons FREELY to accept the Gospel (as Calvinists define freedom) but choose not to. God is more glorified by unconditionally choosing to save some and damning others than He would be by determining all to accept salvation. Such claims make a shambles of the claim that God is love.
As I have said a number of times, there is nothing in Calvinism that would make me think it is the gospel or puts forward a true picture of God. I think many of those that hold to Calvinism have a true faith in Christ Jesus but they are mislead by the Calvinist theology.