Inspector Javert
No, that's not what he believes.
God's Eternal purpose and plan and choice and election occured before the foundation of the world....Winman understands that.
I know that you are trying to do damage control. On one hand I can respect that. That places you in the difficult position of trying to defend that which you would not say by I have no quarrel with you as far as that goes.
Winman has to acknowledge something happened before the world was as do all professed Christians....the language demands it.
So what does he do....He takes a part of the truth and rips it from the biblical context.....Jesus is the elect Servant .......Jesus alone he says is elect.
Every biblical Cal I know believes in the doctrine of Union with Christ.
The whole basis of redemption is tied to that doctrine. No Cal believes what Winman claims. Every person who will ever be saved was given by the Father to The Son....before creation....he denies this completely, saying his wrong idea OF WHAT BIBLICAL FOREKNOWLEDGE CONSISTS OF.
For whom He did FOREKNOW........not for..[what he did foreknow as in foreseen faith] know that is the case.
I agree, and although Winman appears to hold to a "Simple foreknowledge" view, I disagree with that....
Do you realize that you are one of the first non cals to say this? I give you credit for that in that you are being honest, and yet if you confront him on this he will turn on you also.:thumbs:
But his view is not directly in opposition to Scripture.
IJ...not trying to be cruel...but a false teacher teaches, and false teaching has small elements of truth...but at the end of the day it is what it is.
His view is out there...not just on this...but on most things.
He is not a novice, or a young struggling believer trying to learn...he opposes most godly teachers I know and have read.
Any prevarications we make about a scenario which pre-dates time itself, is philosophical speculation....not Scripture.
I do not agree...the revealed things belong to us.
Scripture doesn't explain God's relationship to time prior to the foundation of the World.......our Philosophy does.
I do not agree. God is supra temporal but that being said He created the concept of time within eternity and used it;
4 But
when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
While I disagree with Winman's "Simple Foreknowledge" isn't inconsistent with Scripture.
I do not agree....God knowing all things the end from the beginning is one thing, the biblical term foreknowledge cannot be abused as it a specific term.
That is not even close to true.
Probably 80% of Christ-honoring, Bible-believing Christians have a view pretty similar to his.
While I think it's somewhat incomplete, it isn't heretical or un-Biblical...just a little limited perhaps.
God alone will sort that out at the White Throne Judgement...
The so-called "Simple-Foreknowledge" view is espoused by millions of Bible-believing Christians the world over.
Again God will be the judge, truth must be divinely revealed. What if those with that view perish?
Winman is not a "false teacher".
I will leave the final judgement to God, but the false teaching he posts everyday is being called into question by many here...I am just more vocal about it.
A certain unnamed, rather communistic, personage who adores female pastors and names their avatar after various crustaceons is a "false teacher"...
I have seen this also:thumbs:
Even if Winman is mistaken....
That doesn't make him a "false teacher".
A sincere cultist can be mistaken but at some point they cross the line.
Jmac...might be mistaken on endtimes...but no one says he is a false teacher because he is solid everywhere else. Winman is wrong most every time as I see it.
I'll give him credit for one thing...
He actually reads them.
You admit to never bothering.
He, at least, reads both Calvinistic and anti-Calvinistic websites.
You read only the Calvinist ones.
I look at them , see clear error, then move on....
17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
19 For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.
20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
He is more teachable than you.
Believe what you want:thumbs: