I agree with you.
I cannot understand why cannot Christians reading many simple lectures from Jesus Christ about our spiritual life?
As what my consider of the reason why many Christians seem not actual clearly accept or understand of many simple passages of Christ's teachings, because I notice many securist pastors always twisting on Christ's teaching of our spiritual life, for the purpose to comfort people, by making money rather than teach the truths. To securists, sorry to saying on them. Myself was used to believe in security salvation for many years.
Interesting, Christ mentioned to us of Matt. 7:13-15, He tells us there are two roads, where all people will go in their path to lead their future final destiny life where they will finished their life. Christ tells us, most of people are on the wide road is leading toward destruction -everlasting punishment. Some of people are on the narrow road, which lead to eternal life. Christ warns us of Matt. 7:15 that, we must watch out for false teachers. Christ tells us, blind leads blind. Many people are easily follow their pastor, think pastor telling the truth. But, many pastors are deceived people on the way to destruction.
I know many baptist pastors who teaching security salvation, are wonderful godly men. I highly respect and adore them because of their fruit such as Late Dr. Tom Malone Sr, and many others show their truly fruits, but why do they teaching security salvation anyway?
Many think security salvation is truth, fundamental, and sound doctrine, because of what the Bible saying so. But, many of them have different views and intepreting the Bible.
The fact is, high percent of people who believe in security salvation, because of what they learned from pastors, books come first BEFORE the Bible.
Same idea as pretribulationism. Pretribulationism is not find in the Bible. Over 90% of Christians learned pretribulationism by through pastors, books, friends in the first place BEFORE the Bible. For example, I heard 'pretrib rapture' first time, by through my friend BEFORE I read the Bible. See?
'Trinity', 'Security', 'Pretribulation', 'Premillennial', etc. such as theological terms, these are not find in the Bible.
Today, I notice there is so much confusion and misunderstanding on the Bible, because, there are so many different religions over the world. Which one is right? We all have the only ONE book - Bible have the answer on everything. I do not understand why there are so many seems struggling or probbaly, they dislike what God's Word actual saying.
I know many people over the world are seriously desire have eternal life or go to heaven. But, most of people will be shocked and realized that, they are ended up in destruction at the judgment day.
That why, Christ's biggest concerning with us, that he warns us, we must watch out for teachers with false doctrines of Matt. 7:15.
I can easily identify religions and teachers are teaching false doctrines. But, I have to be careful not to offend them that I know who they are. Only God knows, and let God judge them.
Anyway, I am off the topic or track. I just want to saying something about the doctrine matters. Believing in the doctrines could lead their future final destiny, where they shall spend their soul beyond death.
I consider the teaching of security salvation doctrine is itching ears, and bedrose, comfortable, and positive. The purpose is, pastors who teaching on security salvation to peoplke, to make money.
I agree with Jim Bakker wrote book, "Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse". Himself was before pretrib, now, he is pre-wrath rapture. He says, the purpose of teaching on pretribulationism doctrine, to make money for their success life. America is in great dangerous of apostasy, they focus on sucessful and wealthy life than God. Many people love pretribulation and security salvation, the reason is, they have NOTHING to worry about their soul, they are already "saved". While they enjoy their own life by make money and continue sinning long as they still think they are always saved, will still go to heaven. That is itching ears.
I consider, MANY Christians seem dislike Christ's teaching of passages such as Matt. 25:14-30, Matthew chapter 24-25, these telling us, that we must go through hardship life before we get victory at the end. Many are seeking easy ways, that why, they are on the wide road on the way to destruction. I believe security salvation is a deadly false doctrine, and it deceived wonderful people.
Look at Jesus' example. His life was hardship, and he did overcame them toward Calvary at death. He was not seek over easy ways. So, therefore, we should follow His example.
Throughout whole of the Bible talk about conditional of salvation. There is not a hint verse anywhere in the Bible teaching us of uncondtional(security) salvation. There is so MUCH OVERWHELMED in the four gospels that, Christ talked on conditional with warnings. I believe we all should fear God all the times, because He have power to kill our body and soul both in hell according Matt. 10:28. Many who believing in security salvation, seem not seriously fear God, while they are enjoying their easy life. I am fear that many who believe in security salvation, are already on the wide road, are on the way to their destruction.
I realized Rev. 18:4 warns us that, we MUST come out of her. I believe security salvation is partially of Babylon system. Because, security salvation is its' root comes from John Calvin, and also, from Augustine too. Many religions are come from Roman Catholic. No doubt, Roman Catholic is the Mother of many religions.
I determined sticky with God's Word than staying with popular group or religion, because of truth and fear God than people.
In Christ
Rev. 22:20 -Amen!