I never hated God....
I was raised in a Godly Christian home knowing and understanding the majesty and wonder and grace of God.
I never hated him....
I pity your impoverished philosophy full of God-hatred.
That was stupid.
From a child I knew the Holy Scriptures which can make you wise unto salvation:
2Ti 3:14
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
2Ti 3:15
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
I had a Godly witness, a Lois and a Eunice to raise me up in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
I'm sad that your upbringing was so Spiritually pathetic and impoverished.
Mine (provided by non-Calvinist parents) was not....
NEVER hated God as you seemed to..
How pathetically sad for you. My parents loved me and read Scripture and raised me in the fear and admonition of the Lord, therefore, I never ran from him as you claim.
Good. God is gracious.
Because I know the Scriptures, and therefore I understand that God made man in his
OWN IMAGE. God made man, and loved mankind and he at his first advent BECAME a man in order to save him from his sins.
God LOVES his image-bearer...so much in fact, that he became one to save him from his sins.
It's simple.
You wouldn't understand that perhaps, not being from a Godly parentage which actually taught you the love of God...and the Word of God....but I was fortunate.
I'm not a Gnostic heretic:
easy for me to imagine that God doesn't hate mankind. Even sinners.
I'm not a "Calvinist".
I'm not a semi-Gnostic.
I know that nothing in the Scripture implies that God loathes his image-bearer.
He loves his image-bearer, and doesn't consider physicality, matter or the material universe evil.
He created it, and intends to save it just as he loved and created man-kind...hence he incarnated in the likeness of human flesh to redeem him.
So, sorry, no, I don't relate to your predisposition towards heresy.
You do not believe that you are the "least deserving" creature on Earth....No one believes that about themselves. I work in a prison full of child-rapists....do you
REALLY believe that???
No, you don't....and you think we're stupid enough to believe that you actually think that.
That statement isn't holy, it isn't humble, it isn't righteous...
It's simply