No, it is you who are missing the point.
God knew sin would arise in the creation of free-will beings. He also knew that "sin is a deceiver". That's why 1/3 of the angels followed Lucifer. That's why our original parents fell.
The only way to ensure righteousness & immorality to future beings was to expose the fallacy of self-love (sin). Once exposed sin would not arise a second time. All will have witnessed that the love of self ultimately brings ruin and death.
Satan's rebellion against God's agape was to be a lesson to the universe through all coming ages, a perpetual testimony to the nature and terrible results of sin. The working out of Satan's love of self, its effects upon both men and angels, would show what must be the fruit of setting aside the divine authority. It would testify that with the existence of God's government and His law is bound up the well-being of all the creatures He has made. Thus the history of this terrible experiment of rebellion was to be a perpetual safeguard to all holy intelligences, to prevent them from being deceived as to the nature of transgression, to save them from committing sin and suffering its punishments.
So you're conceding that God wanted sin to occur?