Now there's a way to suckerpunch a fella. I didn't see that coming at all.Dont tell me Aaron that your going to tell me my infant son is in hell! Go a little further with it then & tell me that I & his mother put him there because we at the time were not practicing professing Christians.
What do you want me to say, guy? That there is a way into the fold other than through the Door? That's what webdog and DHK are saying, and they're telling a lie. I won't do that to you, but you shouldn't automatically assume that means your son was unsaved. We're told that the Lord knoweth them that His. If any man, infant or grown, enters heaven, it is because he was saved by grace through faith. I'm sorry if that doesn't satisfy you. We can't preach anything other than Christ and Him crucified. DHK and webdog are preaching innocence. That's not the Gospel.
Since you publicly waylaid me, let me ask you question before all? Why would it anger you to think that your son was not of the elect? (And don't think that these are issues I haven't wrestled with myself.)