No ,Thats exactly why the bible is reliable. Because the CHURCH PICK IT OUT.
Which Church? The Catholic Church? is this information reliable or not from this link below?
Did the Catholic Church give us the Bible?
"In the 1600's the Council of Trent was convened to correct Protestant errors. One of their errors was the printing of many heretical and poorly translated bibles. In order to remedy this situation, the Council of Trent isolated one version of the Bible which was completely trustworthy. The Council of Trent upheld the validity of the Vulgate and anathematized anyone who denied the Sacredness and canonicity of the Vulgate’s books in their entirety and in all its parts. The Vulgate was the Bible of choice in the Western world from the 4th century to the 16th century.
The Council of Trent did not deny the validity, sacredness or canonicity of the Orthodox canon. Obviously, because the Catholic Church still hopes for a reunification.' ~~ end of quote from link
I think it would be best to quit saying that the Catholic Church gave us the Bible, let alone the KJV one.
Lets do this. lets put books and fakes. with wrong verses. and multiple gospels and have you pick out the scriptures.
Can you name all 66 books off the top of your head? Maybe some seminarian could do it.
But you should been able to accomplish this before you ever even read a gospel or heard of Jesus.
Oh no no no..... the authority is the guy who preached it to you.^
Why don't we prove Bible versions to see which version is keeping the truths in His words by making sure no scripture runs contrary or oppose the truth in other scripture in that Bible version?
Like all Bible versions says in John 16:13 that the Holy Spirit CANNOT speak for Himself but speaks what He hears ONLY and so if Romans 8:26-27 testify otherwise but the KJV does not because not even His groanings can be uttered; hence no sound at all, and the "he" in verse 27 is the Son of God that searches our hearts as confirmed in Hebrews 4:12-16 and thus the One as the "he" that knows the mind of the Spirit for how the silent intercessions are given to God the Father by... then is that not the Bible version that maintains the truth in His words so believers that err know that the Holy Spirit cannot use God's gift of tongues for uttering His own intercessions so they can shun vain & profane babbling and pray normally?
Is not this tongue that comes with no interpretation that modern day tongue speakers has because they believe the lie that they can receive another baptism with the Holy Ghost apart from salvation by that sign of tongues when tongues are not to serve as a sign towards believers at all in 1 Corinthians 14:20-22 but was prophesied for God to use other men's lips to speak unto the people?
Didn't Paul warned believers not to heed those who preach another spirit or another Jesus and thus another calling and another gospel to receive in 2 Corinthians 11:3-4?
Did not Paul prophesied that seducing spirits will mislead believers into falling away from the faith in hypocrisy in 1 Timothy 4:1-2 when the Holy Spirit gas been in them since salvation, but yet they seek to receive Him again as if He is not in them?
Did not the apostle John warned believers not to believe every spirit in 1 John 4:1-4 by knowing the real Holy spirit has been in us since salvation as that is the tradition taught of us to hold in 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15 so that if they experience any spirit coming over them later in life, they will know that was not the Holy Spirit at all? Did not 1 John 4:5-6 confirm the supernatural tongue in the world that is gibberish nonsense; vain & profane babbling as Isaiah 8:19 confirms this tongue existing in the occult before Pentecost?
And yet because of the error in modern Bibles of Romans 8:26-27 in thinking the Holy Spirit gives His own intercession "Himself" is why they all doubt His words in John 16:13 as if He did not really meant that, even though the KJV maintains that truth in His words.
So how important is the task of proving Bible versions in these latter days where faith is hard to find? I reckon only the Lord can convince you of that necessity of relying only on the KJV for the meat of His words to discern good & evil by.