"Hell" is thrown into the Lake of fire...
We've been through this:
Rev 20:14
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
You were too lazy to think about what was just said and spelled out for you in black and white.
"Hell" isn't synonymous with the eternal state of the non-believer...
because it is cast into a "lake of fire". (Lakes of fire destroy things placed into them)…..duh....
You ignored that completely, because it isn't a parroting of your presuppositions.
Believers don't spend eternity in "Heaven".
Abandon folk Religion and "I'll fly Away" Theology and read the Scriptures, you'll learn something.
And, yes, it is appropriate to describe the Lake of Fire as "eternal"...
Why would you assume, however, that those cast into it
consciously survive in it eternally?????
Oh, that's right, because you are an adherent of a stupid and
incoherent folk religion....that's why.]