Let's compare for all those who are reading along:Yes, but you have already demonstrated that you do not get some things about Scriptural language that are essential to understanding the Scriptures correctly.
I believe on must humble himself : the scripture says, "humble yourself"
You believe on must be effectually humbled by God : The scripture never says that God must effectually humble a man.
So, point for my system.
I have affirmed and explained my belief of anthropomorphic language. I just don't dismiss the clear meaning of the entirety of the text under the guise of anthropomorphism. So, again, let's compare for those following along:Anthropomorphic language for example.
I believe God makes choices : The bible says, "God chooses"
Luke believe God doesn't make real choices because that would violate the concept of divine omniscience: The bible never says that his omniscience prevents him from making real choices.
So, another point for my system. That would be 2-0 for those keeping score.
Frankly that's a silly challenge.
I am a Calvinist and I wrote about it in the last post.
Again, for those following along:
I believe we can boast in understanding and know the Lord : the Bible actually says to "boast in understanding and knowing the Lord."
Calvinists say that we have no room for any boasting because God does absolutely everything in the process : the bible never says this.
3-0 for my system! :applause:
Actually, according to your system of belief, I'm much much worse, so I'm giving myself another point.You're better than that.
But the question is WHY? Why do we know the Lord and others do not?
Again, let's compare:
I believe the reason some don't know the Lord is only because they are unwilling, despite God's desire for them to come to faith and salvation : The bible says God desires for all to be saved and come to faith and but some are "unwilling." (Matt. 23:37; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Tim 2:4 etc)
You believe they don't know Him because God didn't choose them, something the bible doesn't teach.
5-0, my favor.
This question is a fallacy called "question begging," and I've explained that to you before. I can explain it again if you need me to. 6-0What about those who "accept" this is different from those who do not?
The same is true of your system Luke. You believe God makes you better and I believe God makes us able to choose better. You can't avoiding that claim against your own system. At least in my system God is not to blame for those who were created to choose wrongly.In your system it is simply that they are BETTER. They are wiser and more humble.
7-0, that is a skunk...