Hard-headed a stiff knecked people hasn't changed.
Men are responsible for what is happening around us because of rebellion and our effort to prevent the Gospel of Jesus Christ to spread and our murdering ways.
What is happening around us is because of rebellion and God doesn't mind given us what we deserve, not for us go turn away from Him but to turn us toward Him.
Satan the devil is the liar and murderer from the beginning and we are still believing his lies.
Divine Sovereignty doesn't get rid of our responsibility to trust in God even if the world is crumbling around us it is our own fault.
When we continue to do as Adam blame God for creating that which caused us to fall. When we are responsible for what we did and need to own up to it.
God chose the new creation in Christ born again by His enduring word not the dead old creation we was before Christ.
So I understand you, you are answering this as a "Synergist"..... IE, you are stating that divine sovereignty must somehow be accommodated to human capability. Therefore both election & reprobation are not divine decrees; they are based on human choices. The efficacy of atonement does not rest on Christ's saving work alone but on the sinners faith & repentance.