Since there is already a topic to discuss "cessationism" and this is not it! Let me respond to your post with an observation that is on the topic of "Charismata: What to watch out for".
"If any miracles happen" ... you are starting off on a wobbly foot. God is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever. "For I, the LORD, do not change" [Malachi 3:6]. There is no "IF". Some offer the advice along the lines of "fake it until you make it", but that is not how God DID things in the OT, that is not how Jesus DID things when he walked the earth, that is not how the Apostolic Letters instruct the Church to DO things ... there is no "new dispensation" in which God ceases to be God and calls us to celebrate the impotency of the Holy Spirit by living without the perceptible hand of a very real God still at work in His creation. Beware "fake it" and beware "God doesn't do miracles any more" ... or go and worship with Joel Osteen or Secular Humanists (you will find their 'god' more to your liking).
"We have the prayer of faith that heals." ... When has it ever been otherwise? If any Charismatic or Pentecostal or anyone of any 'cult' attempts to teach you about some inner power coming from you ... RUN AWAY! Elder Norbert would say that we think that we are "all that and a bag of chips", but he would go on to tell us that what we really needed to get deep down in our soul is "Do you know WHO you are?" You are not your gifts, or your job or even who you think you are. You are who GOD says you are. WE are Children of the King, with a right to approach the throne.
No Apostle ever healed without prayer and faith. All "charismata" are of God and not grown out of how special we are. Beware any teaching or group where the Glory is not going to man. If you would really have the POWER that was promised (Acts 1:8) then you should focus on doing the work that Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:18-20).
"And we cast out demons in Jesus' name at times." ... Again, when has it ever been otherwise? No Apostle ever claimed to cast out demons by any power other than "Jesus name" at any time. The only ones to make a claim contrary to that were the Pharisees who accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Satan. Let no one think or claim that any manifestation of any spiritual gift has as its source of power anything but God!
A secondary warning I would offer to my fellow continuationists (especially Charismatics and Pentecostals) is to use the word demonic with care. That there are evil spirits I have no doubt, but when we start ascribing an evil spirit of high blood pressure when a little more exercise and a lot fewer calories would go a long way ... well it cheapens the genuine by lumping it with the absurd.