The Roman Church has ALWAYS saved by grace, always, but it's disingenuous for Protestants to read that and say "Oh it's the same", it's far from the same, see my initial response, this "Grace" is granted at Baptism, however one sin and it's damaged, mortal and it's KILLED, some "Grace". The Church of Rome is some grace, some merits from Mary and the Saints, maybe a miracle or two they give great amount of merits, pray to saints for some of their merits, yet get this blasphemy, at death IF WE HAVE ENOUGH MERITS GOD WOULD BE UNJUST TO NOT ALLOW US INTO HEAVEN!
Close to Protestant theology, Biblicaly theology, not hardly, even some of the best Roman Church members are still burning in purgatory, hardly good news, especially when Jesus said the tax collector, by knowing God knew His sins, didn't raise his eyes to Heaven but said "God have MERCY ON ME A SINNER", these words are often overlooked, HE WENT HOME JUSTIFIED! Folks Justification is everything, if you are justified the game's over, "....for all He Justified, He glorified", no break in "Golden Chain" Romans 8:28 et al.
Did you know in the latest council, the Roman Church still affirms that you can PAY TO GET PEOPLE OUT OF PURGATORY? Read it yourself if you doubt me, lately the Roman Church has tried to blend with us, as have the Mormons, BE AWAKE CHURCH!