Thank you that clearifies it somewhat.. What doctrine do us Baptist teach that is outside Scripture ?
I have scriptural support for my doctrine.....and most Baptists have scriptural support for their doctrine.
We have liberty in things like the color of the carpet......and what kind of vehicle to drive......just a couple silly examples .
One doctrine, apparently, is that "Christian liberty" has to deal with things like the color of carpet

When Paul spoke of this liberty it was not with such personal things. Paul's own belief was that the unmarried should remain unmarried. But he specified that this was his belief and not a command from God. And again, with regard to eating and drinking (food and drink sacrificed to idols) - Paul explained that the idol itself was powerless and it was simply food and drink. But those who could drink and eat with a good conscious are not to force their understanding on those who believe it would be participating in that idolatry. With the Galatians there were Christians who believed that the Gentiles should follow the Jewish customs derived from Scripture. The Counsel, however, acknowledged that differences in doctrine and practice did not mean disunity. They permitted these differences (God permitted these differences as the conclusion is "God breathed" scripture).
I am glad you have Scripture for your doctrine. I hope you also have doctrine for scripture. We should all have Scripture that supports our belief, interpretation, and theory. But we should also know what is fundamental and these things should actually be in Scripture.
As an example, I can support not purchasing a lottery ticket on Scripture. But I can also support the freedom to purchase a lottery ticket depending on one's situation. I can support the freedom of women to wear pants by Scripture. But I can also support the idea women should not wear pants by Scripture. The same is true of drinking alcohol, smoking cigars, watching secular movies, women wearing open toed shoes, women having short hair, men wearing head coverings in church, etc.
I care less about what you can support by scripture than I do about what scripture actually says. That is the difference that some people do not understand. Some would divide over women having short hair. Some over men not wearing suits. Some over allowing a divorced man to be deacon. Some over not allowing a divorced man to be a deacon. We attend to these differences IN THE CONGREGATION - not with other believers. Who are you to judge the servant of Another? The question was rhetorical. You are not. Scripture is the standard, not Christians, their interpretations, or their traditions.
Does that help to clarify?