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John W Patterson has not answered any of my posts for whatever reason, but I'd like to make a point here about Watchman Nee, a great Chinese Christian and evangelist. I have been making the point on this thread that house churches are generally good, but they must obey the Great Commission, Christ's command in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to reach the nations with His Gospel. Any house/home church (or any church whatsoever) which does not do this is disobedient to the Savior and is certainly not imitating Watchman Nee and his "Little Flock."
John Patterson has yet to answer my posts, so I don't know what he believes about reaching the world. But if his house church is doing nothing to win souls to Christ and to reach out to other people groups in the world, it is not obeying the Great Commission, the last command of Christ.
Actually, the word "Go" in the original language is a Greek participle, πορευθεντες (poreuthentes), and can be translated "As you go," so you are right thus far. (I teach Greek.) However, the next word is "therefore," then comes the μαθητευσατε (matheteusate), "make disciples," which is in the imperative mood, and is thus a command. Again, most commentators will say that "Go" carries the imperative sense since it is followed by an imperative, though it is only a participle. Thus, we are commanded to witness for Christ and make disciples. Any house church (or other church) which does not obey the Great Commission and seek to win souls to Christ and reach out to other nations is sinning.Our home church is open to all. Our lives individually are a testimony to everyone we meet.
Jesus said "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
The word "go" in the original language is NOT a command nor a commission. It actually is a statement saying more correctly, "you will go". The Spirit will lead us naturally into spreading the Gospel. Some in their own neighborhoods and some off to foreign lands. It is not a given, not a written directive, not a command. It is breath of the Spirit into us and out of us in each believer's special way of sharing God's love and His Gospel.
Answer my posts or not, either way is fine. I'm not demanding answers.As far as my not replying to your posts, The Baptist Board very rarely emails me to know there is a reply to my posts. I actually do have a life beyond this place -- and it is not all about being on the Baptist Board.
. . . Any house church (or other church) which does not obey the Great Commission and seek to win souls to Christ and reach out to other nations is sinning. . . .
Yet you despise us, judging from your OP. . . . . .
Ok, fair 'nough. First time meeting another out side of those previous circles who uses the term, which I allow for.I am an ex-Baptist, now a Generic Christian. I am not following some cult leader like Charles Taze Russell. Nor am I into any man's leadership.
John I'm not a Baptist, I'm Catholic and disagree with few of Baptist teachings but I don't remember any Baptist teaching that says to BE Judgmental.I will soon address your statements.
First off some history: I come from an Independent, Fundamental Baptist background. As staff there, I went on soul-winning visitations twice weekly among other duties, teaching, choir, JV soccer coach and so on ad nauseum. Yes, I supported foreign missionaries in my tithe. I even attended soul-winning seminars. I was properly into it.
In this religious environment so rife with legalism, I soon saw the inherent results of being judgemental. That guy's, (me), hair is getting too long, his boot heels are too high, he has too much tint in his prescription glasses and it is rumored he listens to popular secular music. Oh my! Yes, I was such a rebel. Not only that, I learned to be legalistic and was soon judging sinners everywhere and carnal Christians too. Glory to God He delivered from all that decades ago!
So now you come along and judge my house church and assert we are "sinning" if we don't behave according to your requirements. No thanks, I don't need such obvious legalism and self-righteous beam-in-the eye visions.
Lastly, I don't "despise" anyone in your flock or any other mainline religion. God will sort all that out later.
I envisage the day when the Lord will return and say, "My oh my! Look at all these fine churches buildings and cathedrals. Nice gyms too. And these really are nice asphalt parking lots! My Millennial Kingdom can so use all of these. By the way, did you have any money left over to take care of the orphans and widows? Did you avoid the error of dividing my flock into clergy and laity? You didn't. Why not? etc etc etc"
God is not pleased with what men have done to His original idea of pure religion and His plan for the ekklesia.
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1. Soul-winning: legalism if done thinking it makes one holy, but righteous if done from an obedient heart, loving Jesus.I will soon address your statements.
First off some history: I come from an Independent, Fundamental Baptist background. As staff there, I went on soul-winning visitations twice weekly among other duties, teaching, choir, JV soccer coach and so on ad nauseum. Yes, I supported foreign missionaries in my tithe. I even attended soul-winning seminars. I was properly into it.
In this religious environment so rife with legalism, I soon saw the inherent results of being judgemental. That guy's, (me), hair is getting too long, his boot heels are too high, he has too much tint in his prescription glasses and it is rumored he listens to popular secular music. Oh my! Yes, I was such a rebel. Not only that, I learned to be legalistic and was soon judging sinners everywhere and carnal Christians too. Glory to God He delivered from all that decades ago!
Actually, I really have not judged you. First of all, the only requirement I have listed is obeying the Great Commission. Now, I don't know what your house church does about that or doesn't do. You have not told me. However, since you object so strongly to simple obedience of the Great Commission, I suspect that you do nothing.So now you come along and judge my house church and assert we are "sinning" if we don't behave according to your requirements. No thanks, I don't need such obvious legalism and self-righteous beam-in-the eye visions.
Glad to hear this. If true, then maybe you should tone down your rhetoric. You jump on me as being a legalist simply because I advocate obeying the last command of Christ. But only God knows the heart.Lastly, I don't "despise" anyone in your flock or any other mainline religion. God will sort all that out later.
Christ is not interested in the slightest about these things. He does not judge us on the basis of whether or not we have buildings, gyms, or anything physical. There are no Scriptures that even hint that He cares about those physical things. He said, "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21).I envisage the day when the Lord will return and say, "My oh my! Look at all these fine churches buildings and cathedrals. Nice gyms too. And these really are nice asphalt parking lots! My Millennial Kingdom can so use all of these.
But He won't ask, "Did you proclaim me to the lost and dying who are headed for Hell, as I commanded you to?" Really?By the way, did you have any money left over to take care of the orphans and widows? Did you avoid the error of dividing my flock into clergy and laity? You didn't. Why not? etc etc etc"
God's plan for the ekklesia is very clear in Scripture. It is to glorify God through His beloved Son Christ: "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen" (Eph. 3:20-21). Now, if you are not proclaiming Christ to the lost and dying around you, how are you glorifying Jesus much?God is not pleased with what men have done to His original idea of pure religion and His plan for the ekklesia.
. . . What would you like to discuss in this thread particularly? Leadership? Have you studied what scripture (KJB) says in regards leadership within the ekklesia (εκκλησια G1577)?
I didn't say anything about 'clergy' vs 'laity'. I asked if you had studied about "Leadership" in scripture.First off, the idea of clergy versus laity is for the Old Testament, Levites and the people, etc. old news . . . After Christ came that earlier set up given to Moses was all done away with. Sadly, well-meaning religious men re-instituted the idea of clergy vs laity. Still, there is not to be pastors, ministers, priests, etc, etc and then the people.
Yeah, the guy in the tie is absolutely frightening! Ties are the scariest thing ever! Reminds me of a serpent around my neck, choking out my life, and they even look shiny and have what appear to be patterns, like most snakes. Scary, scary, scary.This is Ushiro, the enforcer of the gang, who also trusted Christ as Savior. Looks scary, huh?
Yikes! Yeah, the guy in the tie is awful! And he doesn't even like ties!Yeah, the guy in the tie is absolutely frightening! Ties are the scariest thing ever! Reminds me of a serpent around my neck, choking out my life, and they even look shiny and have what appear to be patterns, like most snakes. Scary, scary, scary.The Asian guy, looks rather tame, compared to that tie.
Ouch! The tie that chokes--they all do.Blest be the tie that binds?
First off, the idea of clergy versus laity is for the Old Testament, Levites and the people, etc. old news . . . After Christ came that earlier set up given to Moses was all done away with. Sadly, well-meaning religious men re-instituted the idea of clergy vs laity. Still, there is not to be pastors, ministers, priests, etc, etc and then the people.
God naturally raises up men, (plurality), as shepherds over the flock, not to be in charge but to watch over the flock. They "look over" the situation, monitor things, moderate, and such and yes, that is my view about leadership.
An example: I have visited the wonderful Richmond Fellowship in VA, USA, where Stephen Kaung (close friend to Watchman Nee and translator of Nee's writings and such), and several men there have duties as "elders" there but no one man is in charge -- not even that dear, (100+ years old), saint, Stephen Kaung is considered the leader. He would never accept such! And everything works out fine that way.
It's how our home church functions as well. Last time I was in a similar fellowship, the "elder" brothers decided we needed leadership and they invited a well-known man to come and meet with us. He arrived and took total control. It was an awful experience and well over half of the saints left the fellowship. God spoke spoke to me in a dream and I left that next Sunday after speaking to "the man" and the remaining saints.
Leadership exerting control or "lording over" a gathering never works out like God intended. He didn't want Israel to have a king, He himself wanted to be their King. But men just refuse to let the Spirit of God be their only guide. And thus a religious deadening comes in among us as we warm the pew.
Here is a ballad about this issue featured on YouTube:
I didn't say anything about 'clergy' vs 'laity'. I asked if you had studied about "Leadership" in scripture.
It seems you are stuck on a confusion, that only exists in your experience or mind, that is not actually present as a functional role in scripture.
Do you accept the 'offices'/positions, even the order, that God gives in the ekklesia? For instance, Ephesians 4:11, as seen working in Acts 15, &c?