To those who hold in any way this form of doctrine, I have a question. And, even to those who don't hold to this doctrine, it is still a question to consider.
What is the extent or range that this doctrine reaches? In other words, after you die and are with the Lord in Heaven, is this threat still there?
At first this will sound ludicrous, but consider. lucifer was present with God in heaven when he sinned against God. Adam and Eve were present with God in a pristine environment, free from sin. Yet, they sinned against God.
If one believes you can lose your salvation here and now, why can't you lose it there and then?
What difference is there to insure that no believer will do the same in Heaven as lucifer or Adam and Eve?
I don't know for sure. But there's no question about one thing ... If you can't lose your salvation by an means, then you can't lose it
by believing you can lose it. There are a lot of warnings which seem to be addressed to Christians; such as Romans 8:12-13, which say one may still choose sin and death. So "eternal security" is not a doctrine of which I am completely convinced.
As a math/statistics major, it has long bothered me that terms such as eternal, absolute, ever and never come into play on any person's fate. As many would know, Euclidean geometry plays a major part in mathematical education. But there is non-Euclidean geometry, based on one of Euclid's axioms. He said that, regarding a line in a plane and a point in that plane not in such a line, only one line parallel to the given line exists. But recalling that point, line, and plane are left undefined, there exist 2 other possibilities. One is that NO line can exist which is parallel to the given line, as all lines meet s
omewhere, given millionths, billionths, trillionths, and so on, of any measurement. The other possibility is that infinitely many lines exist which are parallel to the given line, as infinity is infinitely small (and never smallest). So, can we go to infinity of life never sinning? We already know that Satan and his followers sinned-- turned against God-- so we cannot deny that sin is possible even in the realm in which God is known and seen. So then it would appear that, unless we are literally some form of puppets which don't choose anything, that it is possible.
Having said all that, I will reduce it here to an ultra-elementary level .... Have you ever heard a silly song that starts, "Found a peanut..."?